Kick off of the 2nd Panhellenic Map Competition

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The 2nd Map Competition is here! 
We proudly announce today the theme of the 2nd Panhellenic Map Competition:
“Mapping Accessibility. Can my schoolmate in a wheelchair come to school?”
The Competition, implemented after a relevant approval from the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, aims at raising students’ awareness and familiarizing them with accessibility issues of people with physical (mobility) disabilities, through the collection of geospatial information and their representation on digital maps.
Under the guidance of their educators, students are asked to:
➡️ walk the route to their school
➡️ trace the spots that are accessible or have obstacles for people moving with wheelchairs
➡️ capture these spots through the use of a special spatial data collection app for smartphones
➡️ record these spots on digital maps, synthesizing the results under a storymap (geostorytelling).
✔️ raising students’ awareness on accessibility and inclusion
✔️ training via experiential and exploratory learning
✔️ use of new technologies, collection of geospatial data and creation of digital maps
✔️ enhancement of spatial thinking and digital skills.
Learn more at the Competition’s updated website (in Greek) or email us at
We would like to wish the educational community a happy and creative school year, and we can’t wait to cooperate with you!
Are u ready to join us and begin our learning journey? ⛵

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